
Showing posts from November, 2017

A Normal night out in Germany

Shortly after been posted to  Germany about 93/94 Myself and the fine gentlemen of the Mortar platoon decided to soak up the culture of our new home and headed to the local town of Osnabrück. Osnabrück is  a city in the federal state of Lower-Saxony in north-west Germany. It is situated in a valley penned between the Wiehen Hills and the northern tip of the Teutoburg Fore and has some of the finest eateries Europe had to offer and an amazing collection of museums churches dating back  to the 12th century with its cobbled streets and historic homes it was a true travellers paradise  however as a young soldier we had different ideas of was a good city was we needed a good pub that sold great German Beer. The journey into town was eventful  we had ordered a Taxi  for the 5 of us however the driver was very reluctant to let 4 of us in the back of his cream Mercedes Benz, We  explained to the Taxi driver  that it was okay and he should not have worried as one of the lads was o

R.I.P Nicotine March 1992- 4th November 2010

Okay, so how did I start going from not smoking a cigarette to been on 20 a day for over 18 years to quit the habit. Well, it was an easy choice from the first day I joined the Army in 1992  these who smoked got time to chill and relax smoking a nice bifta , Burn, Fag, Smoke, Ciggy. So it was only a matter that I would join the gang of smokers in my Platoon anything to get a few minutes without the platoon staff turning my life upside down and inside out. I had been posted to Queen Elizabeth Barracks in York and for the next 6 month carry out my basic training and then joining one the regiment’s oldest battalions in the British army The Green Howards. I had tried smoking when I was about 10 or 11 however my Mom had caught me and told me to get in the house and go to my room. I remember the fear I felt expecting a smack around the lug or a kick up the backside, however, this was different my dad was out at work and would not be home for a few hours.  My Mo